a. 탑승하기
1. May I see your passport please? -> Here you are. 2. Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat? -> Window seat please. 3. How many bags do you want to check? -> Just one. 4. Here's your boarding pass. Your flight leaves at 7:30 from gate 22. -> Thank you. b. 검사대 통과 1. Please remove all metal objects from your pockets. -> Okay. 주머니에서 꺼내면 끝! 2. Please walk through the metal detector. -> Okay. 혹은 실제 동작으로 걸어가면 끝! 3. Could you open your bags, please? -> All right. c. 기내에서
1. Can you get(bring) me a glass of water please? -> Okay, sir/ma'am. 2. How long is the flight(the layover)? -> 10 hours. 3. Would you like chicken or beef? -> Chicken please. 4. We'll be landing in about 15 minutes. Please fasten your seat belt. d. 도착한 후
1. Please get your passport ready. -> Okay. 2. What's your purpose of visit here? -> For business. / For vacation. 3. How long do you plan to stay here? -> About 10 days. 4. Do you have a return ticket? -> Here it is. 5. Where can I get(pick up) my bags? -> Go to ca 6. What is the local time? -> It's 7:00. << 체크 인 상황 >>> - 공항 카운터
1. 여권과 보딩페스 보여주시죠! -> Can I see your passport and boarding pass, please? 2. 무게가 초과해서 돈을 더 내셔야 겠는 데요. -> Your bags are over the weight limit. You'll have to pay extra to send this. 3. 혹시 모르는 사람이 물건 맡기지 않던가요? -> Has anyone given you a bag since you arrived at the airport? 4. 깨질 물건 없나요? -> Anything fragile(breakable) in this bag?
5. 창가, 또는 복도 앉으시겠어요? (비상구 좌석 괜찮으세요?) -> Window seat or isle seat? (Would you like a seat near the exit?)
6. 신고할게 있습니까 ? -> Do you have anything to declare?
1. 예약을 변경하고 싶습니다.
-> I'd like to change my reservation. Can I make changes in my ticket?
(여행날짜나, 기타 사항 변경)
2. 혹시 대기좌석 있나요? - > Can I go standby? 혹은 Can you put me on the waiting list?
3. 비행기 탑승시간 몇 시, 몇 번 게이트 인가요? -> When and where should I board? 혹은
4. 환전 어디서합니까 ? -> Where can I exchange money?
5. 마일리지 차지 됐나요 ? -> I'm getting the frequent flier miles for this, right?
<< 검색대 + 입출국 인터뷰 상황 >> 1. 가방 올리세요!! 소지하고 있는 금속 제품 빼주세요. -> Put your bags just right here! Remove all metal objects from your pockets. 2. 양팔 들어주세요. (안경 벗고, 신발, 벨트 벗어주세요!! ) ->Please raise your both arms. (Take off your glasses, shoes, belt for a security check.)
3. 금속 탐지기를 통과해주세요. -> Please walk through the metal detector.
4. 손님 가방에 이상한 물건이 들어있어요! -> Our X-ray scanner shows something strange in your bag.
5. 사진이 본인 맞나요? (사진하고 많이 얼굴이 많이 틀리네요) Is this you? This picture doesn't look like you.
6. 직업이 뭔가요? -> What do you do?
7. 방문목적이 뭔가요? -> What's the purpose of your trip here?
8. 얼마나 오랫동안 묵을 예정인가요? -> How long are you staying here?
9 어디서 묵을 예정인가요? (며칠이나 어디서 묵나요?) -> Do you have a place to stay during your visit here? Where? Do you have a hotel reservation?
<< 기내 상황 >>
1. 짐 올려드릴까요 ? -> Do you want me to put that into the overhead bin?
2. 안전벨트 착용해주십시오. -> Please fasten your seatbelt.
3. 커피나, 차 어떤 걸 드시겠습니까 ? (쇠고기나, 닭고기 뭘로 드시겠습니까?) -> What would you like? Coffee or tea? Beef or chicken?
4. 입국 신고서 다 작성하셨나요 ? ->Did you fill out your entry (departure:출국) form?
5. 기내 듀티프리 이용하시겠습니까 ? ->Would you like a duty-free catalog?
1. 밥은 언제 주나요 ? (빵 좀 더 주세요!!)
-> Excuse me. When do you serve the first meal? When is the first meal service?
2. 담요 좀 주시겠어요. -> Could you bring me a blanket?
3. 머리가 아픈데 약 좀 주시겠어요! (멀미약 좀 주시겠어요?) -> I have a headache. Could you bring me something?
4. 입국 신고서 맞는지 좀 봐 주실래요 ? ->Can you check if I filled this out correctly?
5. 도착 예정시간이 언젠가요 ? -> When do we arrive? 혹은 What's our ETA? |
출처 : Tong - 맑은 하늘님의 생활영어통
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